Advantages of TQM implementation

  • Employee motivation: TQM provides employees with more autonomy. This motivates them to take initiatives and they become more responsible. Everyone is taking part in decisions thanks to quality circles and teamwork. Therefore, TQM increases job satisfaction, Dimitrades (2000).
  • Reduce Cost of production: TQM improves the quality of products and reduces waste and establishes a stable production process, Sila (2007). Hence, there are reductions of cost and time of production and continuous improvement of productivity, Huang and Lin (2002).
  • Reduce waste reduction of waste in the different stages of production is one of the results of TQM implementation, Sila (2007).
  • Improved and innovative products: TQM supports company efforts to innovate; employees together with managers work closely to produce innovative products, (Martinez-Costa and Martinez-Lorente (2008), Hoang et al. (2006)).
  • Reduced costs: companies using TQM achieve a competitive advantage due to improvement in processes and reduction of cost of production, (Hurmelinna et al. (2008), Mushtaq et al. (2011)).
  • Reduced price: reduced costs of production imply reduction in price of products.
  • Word of mouth: companies using TQM build trust among customers and increase customer satisfaction. Word of mouth is the result of customer satisfaction.
  • Customer satisfaction: the authors highlight as well the implications of improvement in quality of products for low price and product innovation of customer satisfaction.
  • Increase market share: as a result of customer satisfaction, word of mouth and reduced prices the company witness an increase in market share.

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