Personal development

Ask yourself everyday ‘what is the best version of myself’

It is not easy to Stay motivated nowadays with all these up and down. It is not easy as it may look. Most of us are easily distracted and forget fast all the strategies that we have to stay motivated.

One day I was watching a video on YouTube for a TV show called Shark Tank (a famous TV show about entrepreneurship and for raising funds for innovative ideas). The candidate sparked my attention with one quote ‘everyday I ask myself what is the best version of myself, and what I need to do right now to be so’

The candidate was really successful, the way he presented his idea was special and very profitable. I see also how when he was younger, he was overweight, and now he is not anymore. I think every single second of the day and before any small action, he will ask himself will this action allow me to be the best version of myself, in this moment at least?

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